에 있는걸 참고해서 문제가 있었던 object1.prop = object2.prop의 문제를 수정하였으나
그 이외에도 문제가 많다.
에 있는걸 참고해서 문제가 있었던 object1.prop = object2.prop의 문제를 수정하였으나
그 이외에도 문제가 많다.
#include <stdio.h> #include <atlbase.h> #include <iostream> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Interface of the CProperty<TContainer,TValue> class // Ref= // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename TContainer, typename TValue> class CProperty { public: typedef TValue (TContainer::*SETPROC)(TValue value); typedef TValue (TContainer::*GETPROC)(void) const; private: TValue m_Value; SETPROC m_pSetProc; GETPROC m_pGetProc; TContainer* m_pContainer; public: CProperty() : m_pSetProc (NULL), m_pGetProc (NULL), m_pContainer(NULL) { } CProperty(const CProperty& o) { m_Value = o.Get(); } public: void Bind (TContainer* container, GETPROC getproc, SETPROC setproc) { m_pContainer = container; m_pGetProc = getproc; m_pSetProc = setproc; } CProperty<TContainer,TValue> operator = (const CProperty& rhs) { Set(rhs.Get()); return *this; } TValue Get (void) const { ATLASSERT(m_pContainer != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pGetProc != NULL); return (m_pContainer->*m_pGetProc)(); } TValue Set (const TValue& value) { ATLASSERT(m_pContainer != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pSetProc != NULL); return (m_pContainer->*m_pSetProc)(value); } operator TValue (void) const { return Get (); } TValue operator = (const TValue& value) { return Set (value); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Interface of the CProperties class // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CProperties { private: int m_Count; public: CProperty<CProperties,int> Count; public: CProperties () : m_Count(0) { Count.Bind (this, &CProperties::get_Count, &CProperties::set_Count); } public: int get_Count (void) const { printf ("\t\t%08x::get_Count()=%d\r\n", this, m_Count); return m_Count; } int set_Count (int n) { m_Count = n; printf ("\t\t%08x::set_Count(%d)\r\n", this, m_Count); return m_Count; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int Test (void) { CProperties prop; prop.Count = 100; return prop.Count; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Startup // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CProperties Properties1, Properties2; printf ("\t\tProperties1=%08x\r\n", &Properties1); printf ("\t\tProperties2=%08x\r\n", &Properties2); printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); printf ("Test()=%d\r\n", Test()); printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); Properties1.Count = 200; Properties2.Count = Properties1.Count; Properties1.Count = 100; std::cout << "Properties1.Count=" <<Properties1.Count << std::endl; std::cout << "Properties2.Count=" <<Properties2.Count << std::endl; printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); int n=Properties2.Count; printf ("printf() n =%d\r\n",n); printf ("printf() cast =%d\r\n",(int)Properties2.Count); printf ("printf() nocast=%d\r\n",Properties2.Count); // 방법없음 return 0; }